Mission 0
The shuttle transporting you glides effortlessly through the vast emptiness, its engine humming softly as it decelerates toward the docking bay. Your pulse quickens, a mix of awe and anticipation flooding your senses, as the sprawling station looms ahead—an impossible city suspended in the void.
Before you stretches a dazzling array of shimmering towers and crystalline domes, each one bathed in the cold, ethereal light of distant stars. The shuttle screeches as it arrives at the academy. You inhale deeply, your gaze fixed on the unknown. With a steadying breath, you step off the shuttle and into the hallway of the space academy. The future is waiting.
Development Environment Setup
Ready to become an interstellar subgraph developer? 🚀 Let's get your tools ready!
Windows Users:
We recommend using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). Learn more about WSL
JavaScript runtime for executing code
v20.x or newer
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.0/install.sh | bash
nvm install 20
Verify installation:
node --version
💡 Tip: We recommend using NVM (Node Version Manager) for easier version management
NVM Installation Guide2Yarn
Package manager for installing dependencies
v1.22.x or newer
npm install -g yarn
Verify installation:
yarn --version
Version control system
v2.x or newer
Verify installation:
git --version
Container platform for running services
v20.x or newer
Verify installation:
docker --version
5Graph CLI
Command line tool for building and deploying subgraphs
v0.95.x or newer
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
Verify installation:
graph --version
Verify Your Setup
Run these commands to verify all tools are properly installed:
node --version
yarn --version
git --version
docker --version
graph --version